Patina & Paint

A Magic Table Before and After

I’ve got a magic table before and after to share with you today! table

Why is it a magic table? Because if you pull on it’s legs, it changes sizes.  It took me forever to figure it out. I even called my neighbor who gave it to me to ask how it worked. I kind of felt like I need to take an advanced math class to figure it  out!

The table was in really rough shape.

Normally, I would just lightly sand and then paint.

Not this time, this table needed to be sanded a lot!

Once I finished the sanding, it was time to paint.

The magic table cried out for something fun.

Something bright and cheery.

Turquoise and gold.

This paint was fun to use, as it looked really blue in the can and when it was wet.

As you can see, as it dried it turned more of a blue turquoise.

I love the color.

I painted all but the lower legs in the fun turquoise.

Why not all of the legs?

Because this magic table was going to go really girly.

Gold Ombre legs.

Of course, I used my favorite gold spray paint.

I sprayed the bottom of the legs heavily, giving it a lighter coat as I went up the legs to give it the Ombre look.

Once I finished the legs, I added gold to the table edges and to the detail around the apron an legs.

You can see the detail of the Ombre legs better in this picture.

I moved the table into my entry so that you can see how this magic table folds out.

It starts all nice and compact.

To make it into a small round table, simply lift the folded down table leaves and reach under and pull the legs toward you.

I’ve never seen a table work quite like this one does.

Want a bigger table?

No problem.

Just pull it apart like a regular table.

And insert a leaf.

Now this magic little table is all grown up!

However, I’ve got a little secret.

The magic little table isn’t going to be a table at all.

It’s going to be a desk for my sister’s new office!

I can’t wait to deliver it so you can see it in it’s new home.

Honestly, a magic table before and after was so much fun!

Definitely, one of my favorites.

Until next time….



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