Patina & Paint

Be Full of Thanks and Giving

Let our lives be full of thanks and giving. That’s my motto this Thanksgiving season.

I know that you are thinking that it’s a little early to be thinking of Thanksgiving, but November is next week y’all!  Thanksgiving is the most overlooked holiday sometimes. We are so busy getting ready for Christmas that we barely take the time to eat Thanksgiving dinner.



If you have followed me for very long, you know that one of the first things that I decorate for a holiday is my kitchen hutch.  I just can’t help myself.

I bought this dough bowl awhile ago, but I could never find the right thing to put in it.

Then I was shopping at Hob Lob and I found the coolest acorn ever!

Am I right? I really wish that I had bought a couple more. That’s how much I love it.

The cotton boll stems remind me of my home state, Oklahoma.

I remember my parents taking us to a family reunion of sorts at a great uncle and aunt’s farm.  The kids were driving the adults nuts. At some point, the adults had enough of our shenanigans. The gave each child a grain sack and told us to go pick cotton and not to come back to the house until our sacks were full.   After a few hot, sweaty hours we all came back to the house. All we had to show for our efforts were some scratched up, bloody fingers, a sunburn and a few pieces of cotton.

Good times. We can laugh about it – now.

We purchased the pilgrims the year our eldest son turned one. So, as long as I have them, they will be a big part of my Thanksgiving decor. Here at the castle, tradition is a big part of Thanksgiving.

You all know that as the Queen of the castle, I have to constantly remind everyone the I should always be happy. My family STILL believes that Tammyland is only three feet around me.  Can you imagine?

There are those that believe that the chalkboard trend has come and gone, however I keep mine front and center in my kitchen.  Everyone that sits at my kitchen table sees that chalkboard up close and personal.  I use the chalkboard to remind me- and my family- of life’s most important lessons.

Today’s lesson reminds me to be thankful that I have so many blessings in my life, and because I am so incredibly blessed, to give back to those less fortunate.

Let our lives be full of thanks and giving!


Don’t forget to join us for Thoughts of Home Stunning Thanksgiving Vignettes, November 7 -11!


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Flaunt it Friday

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