Patina & Paint

Casual Valentine’s Day Table

valentine plates, napkins

We don’t do  Valentine’s Day in a big way here at the Castle. We are way more laid back. I usually set a casual Valentine’s Day table that has a ton of color, has a few treats and is super fun. This year’s table will be no different!

The Placesetting

While on a recent and rare grocery store adventure I say these sweet valentine dessert plates.

Of course, they had to come home with me.

So my table’s colors are centered around the colors in the plate.

A beautiful textured green placemat hosts a red charger.

White plates, followed by a fun pink and white salad plates are the perfect background for my dessert plates.

Hot pink buffalo check napkins show off the cutest Pom napkin rings ever!

I’m in love with them.

So much so that I bought a set of blue ones too!

The Centerpiece

For a centerpiece I’m using our dessert.

A red velvet cake sits upon a beautiful white cake stand.

Instead of a runner, I chose to set the cake stand on a felt heart.

Instead of real flowers I chose to add a few felt flowers and a heart.

I mean, what’s Valentine’s with out flowers and hearts?

Am I right?

The “back” side of the cake stand has more felt flowers and the cutest little sign reminding my guests that they are loved.

I extended the color around the cake plate by using felt ball garland with more felt flowers down the table.



For a small after diner treat, I added some wonderful chocolates to each plate.

I’ve also been making these fun heart candies too.

I tuck them into small boxes and they are perfect for a little gifty to take home.

After all, there can never be too much candy!

A casual Valentine’s day table may not be everyones cup of tea, but it’s perfect for us here at the Castle!

Do you go all out for Valentine’s Day or are you more like me and go super laid back and casual with it?

Until next time….

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