Patina & Paint

DIY Christmas Friday #4

DIY Christmas Friday #4

Happy Black Friday to you! It’s DIY Christmas Friday #4, where I share a project with you that is super easy. I used to say it was so easy a monkey can do it, but apparently monkey lovers everywhere were offended! Crack. Me. UP!  Today’s project is a Pottery Barn hack on their Jingle pillow.

I made my pillow out of drop cloth material, but the beauty of this project is that you can buy any pillow cover pre-made instead of making one.

Using your computer, find a font that you like and print it off the size that best fits your pillow. Once I printed it off, I flipped it over, then using tracing paper and an iron on transfer pencil I traced the outline of the word jingle. It needs to read backwards when you trace it so that you will be able to flip it over and be able to read it when you iron it onto the pillow cover.

Next, following the directions on the packaging of your transfer pen, iron on your design.

Now for the fun part – PAINT!  You can do this one of two ways. With a paint pen made for fabric painting or by mixing Acrylic craft paints with a textile medium and painting your design with a paint brush. The textile medium makes the paint stay on the fabric and the paint doesn’t make the fabric stiff. I mean, who wants a pillow that has stiff, hard stuff on it?

TIP:  Be sure to put wax paper behind your material when you paint. If you bought a pre-made pillow cover put it on the inside of the pillow, between the front and back sides.

Once you are done painting, cover  your design with a clean white cloth and heat set with an iron.

Sew on a few jingle bells and you have a killer awesome Christmas pillow that is just as cute as the Pottery Barn one!

Not too shabby! And really, if you can color in a coloring book you can do this!!

Don’t want a jingle pillow? Pick something you do like and using the same technique make that! Go ahead. Think outside of the box! Your welcome.

Until next time….


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