It’s Ten+ on the 10th, one of my favorite times of the month. Mainly, because I get together with a wonderful group of bloggers, who have the best ideas, and we get to share them with you! This month I’m sharing an Egg-stra special door hanger.
Before I get started, I want to give a quick shout out to Barbara from French Ethereal for hosting this month. It’s not easy wrangling this group of gals!
Have you seen all of the fun Easter door hangers on Pinterest lately? You could spend hours looking at all the cuteness! I decided that I needed to make a few door hangers – or should I say Egg-stra special door hangers for Easter gifts.
First, I started out by drawing my egg pattern.
Once this was done, I handed it off to the Hubs to cut it out for me. I swear, some day, I’m going to learn how to use a jig saw. But, not today!
We used 1/4 plywood, as I wanted it to be heavy enough to not bounce around, yet light enough not to beat up the door!
Next, I drew on the pattern that I had chosen for my egg.
Once that was done, it was time for the fun part – painting!
Most of the time I hand paint my lettering, but this time I decided to use a fat chiseled tip sharpie.
Works like a charm every time, as long as you make sure your paint is super dry.
I loved the first egg-stra special door hanger so much, that I decided to make another one!
Okay, I admit that these are a little addictive and that rumor has it that I may or may not be in the process of painting a few more!
Once there were both done, it was time to add a cute bow.
While not perfect, I think that they turned out pretty good.
So how much did these cost me?
Nothing, as I had everything on hand.
However, I did do a little research and came up with a generous estimate of cost for you.
1/4 inch plywood: $3.00
Paint: $2.00
Ribbon: $4.00
Which is a total of $9.00. Not too shabby for an Egg-stra special door hanger!
Ten+ the 10th
Now I hope that you will join me in “hopping” over to my fellow blogger’s site’s to see what fabulous things they have in store for us! Starting with Barbara from French Ethereal!