Patina & Paint

Fall Flowers on the Patio

Fall flowers on the patio are a must here at the castle. We spend more time in the back yard than we ever do in the front.

Plus, let’s face it. I just can’t resist all of the beautiful fall flowers that are in the nurseries right now!

Beautiful mums, kale and even a few pansies are for sale everywhere right now. There are even pumpkins for sale.

There is only one major problem. It still feels like 105 degrees here in Texas!

I’ve resisted adding the pansies. I know better. The heat would surely kill them before we would even get to enjoy them. Those are better left for November. Instead, along with the traditional fall flowers, I have started with some plants that really aren’t fall flowers, like this lantana. I know that it isn’t fall, but it has the wonderful warm reds, oranges and yellows that make me think of fall.

Okay, I confess to buying a few tiny pumpkins. I stick to the faux pumpkins when I want to decorate with larger pumpkins. It’s just too early and too hot for the real ones.

I spray the small pumpkins with a clear poly to help preserve them for a longer period of time.

The flowers in my beds may be winding down for the fall, but that’s no reason we can’t have color on the patio. I love the color mums and kale add to fall decorating.

Using Kale inside works well for me too. I love how the leaves of kale look like a lacy green flower.

I used kale last year on my fall table. It was truly on of my very favorite tablescapes ever!

Here in blog land we have to do everything a little earlier than most of you would do so that we can share all of the fun things with you ahead of time.  Here’s a tiny preview of Halloween on the patio. Glowing witches hats. I saw these on Pinterest and had to try them!

I am so enjoying the fall flowers on the patio! Nothing better than my morning tea on the patio or a nice glass of iced cold tea in the evening. Remember? It still feels like 105 degree here, even if I am wishing for fall!



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