Patina & Paint

Fall on the Front Porch

I’m finally finishing up fall on the front porch. I’ve been working on my front entry for awhile, but haven’t quite felt like it was finished.

To make it prettier, I would add more pumpkins and flowers.  Done!

An hour or so later, I would be removing them because I felt like I had too many pumpkins and flowers. I tell you, some days it isn’t easy living in my head!

This was my first arrangement. I found mums that are suppose to be a variegated pink and yellow. To say that I am excited for them to hurry up and bloom so I can see how that turns out would be an understatement.

I liked the pumpkins, the mums and the new basket.

It just seemed to lack something.

Adding my favorite fall wooden sign to a near by wall really helped out.

However, it still seemed a little bare.

My entry is not very wide, but it is very tall. I have to be very careful to get decor tall enough and keep things out of the walking path.

So I added a few new purple Violas, Kale and Snapdragons to the planter, put some mums in an old rusty olive basket and of course add some pumpkins.

Better, but I still felt like it something was missing.

What was missing? A little bling.

A little glue and glitter fixed that. Now all of the pumpkin stems match! Now everything doesn’t feel so flat.

I was still going back and forth on what was missing, when it occurred to me that I would love it a lot more once the mums bloomed. Mind blowing, I know!

Since mums are a bloom once and done for the season, I usually try and buy them just as they are opening so that I can get the most enjoyment out of their flowering season.

So I think that it is safe to say that decorating for fall on the front porch is done.

I just need to practice a little lot more patience so that I can sit back and enjoy fall in all of it’s beauty!

Until next time…



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