Patina & Paint

Flowers, Painting and A Clean House


Y’all! I had such plans for sharing the make over of these pretty canisters with you, but no. It’s been raining most of the week which is not conducive to spray paint. So what have I got for you? Flowers, painting and a clean house. Well, an almost clean house. Mostly.

Clean house

The week started out well.

As part of my Spring cleaning frenzy, I cleaned, decorated and shined up the front porch.

In case you missed it, you can see it here.


Due to February’s ice storm a ton of our shrubs bit the dust.

So I’ve been digging those up and replacing them.

I’ve also been so thankful for the perennials in the garden that did survive.

For the first time in I don’t know how many years, not one plant in my pots over wintered.

Which means starting from scratch.

I’m going to look at this as a blessing.

I get to choose whatever plant I want to replace the old ones.

IF I can find it.

Plants are not plentiful this year.

At all.

However, I’m trying to enjoy what I am able to find.

I’m trying to plant the rainbow.

Lots of happy colors.


I’ve also been painting.

A lot!

Over the past few months, I decided to sign up for a few art classes.

The first class is one where you paint door hangers with a few other creative, fun things thrown in.

There is a new one every week.

Honestly, there are  so many that I’ve been giving my sister’s  a few here and there.

They are very quick and fun to paint.

Plus, I look forward to the class every Thursday night.

A little me time.

This one is one of my favorites.

So much so, that when I cleaned the front porch I hung it up on my front door!


I’ve loved painting so much that I signed up for another 2 day course to learn how to paint these crazy flowers.

Totally out of my wheel house, but I had the BEST time doing it.

I guess an old dog can learn a few new tricks!

So, I hope you will forgive me since all I’ve got to show for my week is flowers, painting and a clean house.

’til next time!

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