Patina & Paint

Garage Sale Find

Ten on the 10th Garage Sale find

It’s Ten on the 10th and this months theme is Garage Sale. Which really could mean several things. For me, I’m sharing a garage sale find that I’ve had for awhile. I bought this and quickly added it to my stash of things to do. Only problem was I never got around to doing anything with it. Until this week!

Before I go any further I want to thank Carol from Blue Sky at Home for being our fearless hostess today. When you are done here, be sure and check out her site, along with all of the other fun and talented bloggers.

Now down to business!

At first, when I spotted this silver tray I had hopes that it could be cleaned and restored back to it’s pristine finish.

But, no.

Once I knew that it couldn’t be cleaned, my plan was to make it into a seasonal display.

Step 1: paint the bottom of the tray black.

This is a metal tray, so not all paints will work.

Be sure to use a multi-surface paint, like Martha Stewart’s, to make sure the paint will adhere.

While the tray was drying, I painted these wooden cut outs that I found at Michael’s.

I plan on painting different cut outs for different seasons and holidays!

Since Fall is just around the corner I went with a fall theme today.

Once the black paint had dried, I glued a fall bow in the upper corner with a tiny bit of glue.

This can easily be removed to put co-ordinating bows that match each seasonal cut out.

At first, I thought that I would attach the wooden cut outs to the center of the tray using velcro.

However, if I put velcro in the center of the tray, I wouldn’t be able to use a cut out with an open center.

Command Strips to the rescue!

Total cost for this project: $3.00!

Not too bad for a garage sale find.

Now please join me in checking out all of my fellow Ten on the 10th bloggers!

Carol at Bluesky at Home

Ann at Apple Street College

Kim at Exquisitely Unremarkable

Patti at Pandora’s Box

Susan at Homeroad

Katie at Let’s Add Sprinkles

Terri at Decorate and More with Tip

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