Patina & Paint

How I Put Ribbon on My Christmas Tree


This is the week that most of you will begin decorating for the Christmas holiday, if you haven’t already started. Last year I shared my Christmas tree with you and I was surprised that I received a lot of inquiries on how I put ribbon on my Christmas tree. I guess inquiring minds want to know.

There are a billion different ways to decorate your tree and I am certainly no expert. I just do what  I like. Believe it or not, I actually went to a class to learn the secrets of putting ribbon on the Christmas tree. You, my friends, don’t have to take a class as I am more than willing to share what I learned with you!

Start with a tree that has lights already on it.

The first thing you will need is ribbon that you love. Every year my ribbon is different. This year I chose three different ribbons that are different in color and size. I chose a 4″ red velvet ribbon, a green 2″ ribbon and a 2″ sheer glitter polka dot ribbon.

Normally I would do a four inch, a three inch and a two inch but I just didn’t find any that I loved.

You will also need pipe cleaners or floral wire. I am using a black pipe cleaner because it’s easier for you to see it.

Wrap your pipe cleaner about two or three inches down from the top your ribbon. The pipe cleaner not only keeps your ribbon securely together, it also helps you attach the ribbon to the tree.

I like starting at the top and working down. Find your starting point and reaching into the middle of the tree tie your ribbon onto a branch with the pipe cleaner.

Now for the fun part, make a large loop and drop down about 6 to 10 inches and using a branch twist it around your ribbon. Remember to reach into the middle of the tree to do this so that it is hidden.

Continue this process, making four or five large loops. You don’t want your ribbon to go in a perfectly straight line. Let it drift a little.

On your last loop, tie it off with another pipe cleaner instead of using a tree branch. As, you can see, I tied this one off near a cluster of  pine cones. No special reason other than it looks cute!

It is time to cut your ribbon. You could give it an angle cut or an inverted cut like the ribbon above. It’s all personal preference at this point. Your first row of ribbon is complete.

Once you have completed your first row, fluff your ribbon. Pulling the different ribbons apart so that you can see all three.

Keep adding more rows of ribbon, staggering them at different heights and intervals, until your tree has the look that you want.

I know that you would think that you would start at the top and go all the way to the bottom, but by staggering the ribbon, you give it a full look, but leave plenty of room for your ornaments.

Here is my tree with all of my ribbon before I added my ornaments. The tree already looks full and colorful before adding anything to it.

My tree is all lit up, ribbons and ornaments are on and the tree skirt is in place. All I need to do is add the star.

So that’s it, that’s how I put ribbon on my Christmas tree. It’s time to sit back and enjoy!

I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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