Patina & Paint

How To Make White Christmas Houses

Now that we are getting a little more settled in our new house, I’m ready to get my Christmas decorating done! Like all things when moving, not all of my Christmas decor worked any more. So I was looking for some inspiration when I ran across the cutest white Christmas houses at Le Cultivateur. I figured not only could I make a few, but I could share how to make white Christmas houses with you! Honestly, they were so easy to make I could have given these to the nieces and nephews to do for me!

Here’s what you will need:

Paper Mache houses

paint – white spray paint or craft paint

Paint brush


Mod Podge

I found this set of 3 paper mâché houses at Hobby Lobby. Normally $14.99, they are on sale for 40% off, making them. $8.99.

I purchased 2 sets of houses. On my first set, the weather was super cold so I decided to hand paint the houses. Using white craft paint, I painted 2 good coats of white to each house. This took a while! So when it was time to do the second set, I decided to spray paint them.

TIP: I filled the insides of the houses with a plastic grocery bag while spray painting to protect the insides from over spray.

Here’s what they looked like when they were finished. I could have stopped here because they were so pretty; however, I wanted to give them a little something extra.

I wanted my houses to look like they were covered in new sparkling snow. This is accomplished by painting on Mod Podge and then sprinkling white glitter on top of the glue.

TIP: At first I was using both white and silver glitter. But it quickly became obvious that it didn’t work so well. It looked like dirty snow. When adding glitter, it’s best to pick one color and stick with it!

Also, I added liberal amounts of the glue to add dimension to the snow areas.

Here’s my finished house. So cute, so easy and definitely something extra.

Until next time….

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