Patina & Paint

How To Trim Your Christmas Tree

How to trim your christmas tree 1

I told y’all last year – if you are looking for the perfectly decorated tree , Go look somewhere else! Mine isn’t. Someone recently asked me what theme my tree was. Theme? What theme? Unless you consider miscellaneous a title for a theme.  I do love my tree. Every weird ornament means something to me. This tree tells a million stories. So if you are looking for a way to decorate that kind of tree, I’ll be more than happy to tell you how to trim your Christmas tree!

First it has been raining the past few days here and you know what that means! Visually challenged photos! Grrrrr…. My apologies.

I start with a branches fluffed, lights on tree in good working order. Mine is pre-lit – which I hate. They never put enough lights on it to suit me. I want to have to wear my shades to look upon it’s beauteous  awesomeness! You just don’t get that with a pre-lit.

I know most of you probably put your tree topper on last, but I go ahead and put it on now. That way I don’t knock any ornaments off while trying to reach the top!

Next I like to put my garland on. I bought this garland new this year. Believe it or not I bought it at Walmart! 6 ft for 4.99. Woo Hoo! It’s very subtle, yet colorful. And blingy. I like blingy, especially at Christmas. I start at the top and diagonally work my way down and around the tree.

Time for ribbon! I generally work in sections for this. From the very top of the tree I have four ribbons that attach to the top, at equal intervals and come down about half way.

To do this I attach the ribbon one of two ways. I either tie it to a tree branch or fold a small branch around the ribbon, whatever works best with your tree.

My tree is pretty stiff so I usually just twist a branch and ribbon together.  Then take the ribbon about eight to ten inches down from the top and pleat it in your hand.

Where the ribbon is pleated tuck it into the tree about six inches where you last attached it to the tree.  This creates a nice loop. Do this repeatedly about half way down your tree.

Tip: This should be loose and flow. It can go a little to the left or right, no need to be super straight.

I like to use two to three ribbons in various sizes. This year I did the four inch chevron and topped it with a two and a half inch green ribbon. You can do this at the same time or do one and go back and do the second ribbon on top of the first.

Now for the lower half of the tree. I usually start my next set of ribbons half way down staggered between the first sets of ribbons.  You can see in the picture above where I’ve started the lower ribbons. Repeat the same as you did at the top.

Tip: Don’t fill your tree up with too much ribbon. Leave plenty of room for ornaments!

Next I add in my round ornaments and really large ornaments. Why? Because they hide any “holes” you have in your tree really well. I fill in any holes first, then I like to hang my round ornaments  in slightly recessed spots. They reflect well off of the lights and it leaves room on the tips of branches for oddly shaped ornaments. And you know I have a ton of those!

Like these… since I helped my son remodel his RV this year this ornament was totally appropriate!

Oh, and last but not least if you have any whimsical crazy ornaments, now is the time to hang those too! I couldn’t resist these little elf legs!

I’m still not totally done… I still want to find some “filler” to put around my star at the top of the tree. Maybe some of the those shiny, wild looking sticks that remind me of Phyllis Diller’s hats? Yeah, like that didn’t date all.

Until next time….


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