Patina & Paint

I Do Door Hanger

I Do Door Hanger

Queen Sally has been planning a bridal shower for a couple of months now for her BFF’s son and his fiancé. Sally and her BFF had both attended another Wedding shower ( seems like there is something in the water here in North Texas!) where they had the cutest I Do door hanger on the front door.

Queen Sally wondered if we could make something similar for her upcoming shower?

Of course, we can!

If you want to make one too, here’s your Supply List:

3″ ribbon

2″ ribbon

Wooden Letters

D ring

Hot glue and glue gun

Staple gun


Normally, I would share the finished project with you at the end, but I feel like the “how to” of it will make more sense if you can see what we are making.

The first thing I did was decide how long I wanted my door hanger to be.

I made mine about 4 feet long.

Using the 2″ ribbon, I cut about 4′ 1/2″ of ribbon.

Then, about 8″ from the top I placed my first wooden letter.

Next, staple the wooden letter to the ribbon.

Using the 3″ ribbon, make a bow.

Then, using the 2″ ribbon make another bow slightly smaller than the first bow.

Stack the small bow on top of the larger bow, then tie both to the ribbon about 6 inches from the top.

Next, we need to make a way to hang the door hanger.

Slip a D ring onto the end of the ribbon.

fold over the ribbon about 1 1/2 inches and glue the ribbons together.

Once this was done, I trimmed off the ragged edges and added a small sprig of baby’s breath under the ribbon.

Once you have completed the top letter, then drop down about 12 inches and repeat the above steps for the next two letters.

Honestly, I was amazed at how easy and fast the door hanger went together.

The best endorsement was when Queen Sally and her BFF loved it.

Also, we made this one to match the shower colors, but the possibilities are endless.

Until next time…

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