Patina & Paint

Janky to Swanky

broken lamp

I love a good sale, don’t you? And when the sale is 90% off, well I am hearing the heavenly choir sing! On a recent trip to  Hobby Lobby I made a quick trip down the 75% off isle, only to find out that it was just reduced to 90% off. The first thing that caught my eye was this sweet little lamp. Now most people would take one look and walk right on by, but I’m going to share how I turned janky into swanky!

Repairing the lamp

After carefully looking the lamp over, making sure that the only thing wrong with it was a hanging harp and the socket I snatched that cute little lamp up faster than a monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew.

You see I knew that all I had to do to fix it was gently pull on the cord at the base until all the slack was out of the cord.

Once that was complete it was simply a matter of screwing the light socket to the base.

The socket had just come unscrewed!

The price?


Total girl squeal.

And it is perfect in my library for a cute little reading lamp!


Revamping the mat and frame

Now, you know I  wasn’t done shopping the 90% off isle!

I spied this chinoiserie print.

In fact, I already own it and it sits on a shelf in my living room.

The mat had some dark marks but the frame was in excellent condition.

So I bought it!

No, it’s not weird to have two of the same prints!


Especially if you aren’t using the print part of it.

I just wanted the frame!

A sweet friend sent me the cutest topiary prints a few months ago and I’ve been looking high and low for the perfect frames!

I unscrewed the back of the print and  took out the print portion.

Once that was done I added one of my topiary prints to see if the mat and frame would work.

It was perfect!

I used a Magic eraser to remove the dark marks on the mat.

A little white paint took care of a couple of chips to the edge of the mat.

Put it all back together and this is what it looks like now.

I couldn’t love it more and it matches my living room perfectly!

The total cost for this janky to swanky?

$2.49. Plus tax.

Woo Hoo!

The moral of this story?

Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.

Sometimes it pays to look a little more closely and think outside the box.


Until next time….

                             Remember, if you love it, be sure to Pin it!



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