Patina & Paint

Last Minute Projects

Laundry Room Curtains

We are in the last week of the Laundry room glow up. I’ve got just  a few last minute projects to share with you. Over on my Facebook page I’m sharing how to faux pleat curtains. Didn’t these turn out super cute?

At first glance, the next last minute project I want to share with you doesn’t seem like it would be a big deal.

Until it was!

This is the shelf above my sink in the laundry room.

I wanted to put in a new rod to hang clothes from.

So what’s the problem?

I couldn’t find a rod.

Everything was either too small, not sturdy enough, the wrong color etc.

The solution?

To buy a 96″ long rod in the correct color and weight.

Then cut it down to size!

We simply measured the length, marked the cut line, then wrapped the cut line in blue tape.

This helps keep the cut line smooth while cutting.

Then using a hack saw, we cut off the excess rod length.

A little sanding and it was perfect for hanging.

To hang the rods we are using the recommended hangers.

Attaching the hanger to the cabinet side was a breeze.

Just pre-drill a hole and screw the hanger into the cabinet.

The drywall side was a different story.

To ensure that the rod wouldn’t be so heavy that the screw would come out of the wall, we added this wall anchor first.

I love this type of anchor because you simply pre-drill again, then screw this anchor in.

Once that was done it was just a matter of hanging up the rod!

I still have a few tiny things left to do before I call my laundry room finished and can share it with you.

Next week!

Now please join me in visiting Terrie to see her last minute details!

Decorate With Tip And More

Until next time…


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