Patina & Paint

Make a Floral Garden Flag

Good Morning! It’s one of my favorite days of the month – Ten on the 10th. I love this day because I get to see what all of the talented ladies in the group are doing. They do inspire me! Our theme this month is Flowers. With that in mind, today I’m sharing how to make a floral garden flag with you.ten on the 10th

Not gonna lie, I have a ton of pictures. So grab something cold to drink and find your favorite chair!

This is my current garden flag.

It looks pretty good in this picture, but in reality it is very faded!

Time for a new one!

I’ve shared how to make a garden flag with you before, so I won’t bore you with the details.

If you missed it you can go here for instructions on how to make the flag.

Now for the fun part! Paint

I wanted my background to have some colorful stripes.

Using blue tape, I taped off the stripes.

Making sure to rub the taped edges down into the fabric so that I didn’t have any paint bleeding through.

Two tips:

When painting along the edge of the tape, to prevent bleeding start your brush stoke about 1/8 of an inch on the blue tape and brush out. Never brush your paint toward the edges of the tape.

Since I painted on the pocket of my flag, the paint may soak through to the back side and basically glue the pocket together. To prevent this I placed a couple of long handled paint brushes through the pocket to separate the material.

I usually remove the blue tape a few minutes after I am finished painting.  See how clean the lines are?

Once the stripes were dry, I started the decorative painting.

For those of you like my friend Sally who swears she can’t draw stick people let alone paint, you could always use a stencil. There are some really pretty ones out there!

Once my flowers were painted it was time to put the lettering on the flag.

I just free handed this part.

Again, if you aren’t comfortable doing this,  you can use a stencil or transfer.

Once the paint was totally dry, I felt like the bottom was a little empty.

So I added some pink ribbon.

At this point you can give it a quick coat of scotch guard to protect it if you want to.

While there are a lot of little steps, you can see how easy it is to make a floral garden flag!

Now how much did this cost?

Since I used all of my old fabric scraps, paint and ribbon, it was free!

However, I did the math and if you were to buy all of this your total cost would be around $7.25!

Not too bad for an afternoon craft project.

Until next time….


Now I hope that you will hop on over and visit my friends to see what fabulous ideas they have this month.

Blue Sky At Home

Cottage at the Crossroads

Pandora’s Box

Poofing the Pillows

The Boondocks Blog

My Heart Lives Here

Exquisitely Unremarkable

At Home With Jemma

Let’s Add Sprinkles


Be sure to check out the Happiness is Homemade Link Party 224




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