Patina & Paint

Mardi Gras Y’all!

It’s Mardi Gras y’all! While most people are decorating for Valentines, I am walking a tight rope of balancing my Valentines decor with my Mardi Gras decor.

I was blessed enough to be in Biloxi, Mississippi over 25 years ago during the Mardi Gras celebration.  Boy did I have fun catching a few beads and attending a few balls.  I also learned  that Marid Gras isn’t all about boobs, beer and beads. It’s also a family celebration.

I just got home from a two week planned/unplanned trip to Oklahoma.  The plan was for me t0 be in Oklahoma for a week to help my seester get ready for her daughters wedding. We didn’t plan for me to be there a week earlier than expected to be with our father while he was in the hospital.

We would take occasional breaks from the hospital and would shop for wedding decor. My seester took me to The Basket Store in Oklahoma City. Imagine my surprise when I realized that it was Hobby Lobby’s outlet. My seester says that it is a hit and miss kind of place, but I have to tell you that the day I went it was definitely a hit.  The prices are awesome and I found Mardi Gras and Easter decor that I loved!

The first thing that I found was this wreath. It’s HUGE. It also only cost $10.00! It is really a lot more colorful than the picture shows. Lots of shiny deep purple.

This wreath is pretty but it needed a little more bling. Naturally, I added a crown. If you didn’t know, Mardi Gras is the celebration of the three wisemen ( kings) finding the baby Jesus. Hence decorating with crowns. It’s just a great big side bonus that I love crowns!

I found these green twisty things 90% off at Michaels awhile back. I thought that I would use them for St. Patricks day, but they look great on the wreath.

The wreath’s base is a big green cage. Instead of gluing the green twisty things to the wreath, I simply stuck the ends though to the back and twisted them together. I like that it isn’t too permanent. Just in case I change my mind!

I also found this pretty ribbon at The Basket Store. It made a perfect bow for my wreath.


I could have added more bling to my Mardi gras wreath, but decided that the few things I added and the wreath itself had a ton of bling.

My front door is ready for Mardi Gras y’all! I have a ton of other stuff for my table and my mantle that   I promise to share with you soon!

Happy Mardi Gras!



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