It was a beautiful 80 degree day here in Texas yesterday. After weeks of cold temps and gray days, it sure was welcome. It feels so much like Spring. I love it! But I know that Mother Nature is just messing with me, before long it will be cold again. After all, it is Texas in February.
It was way to pretty to stay inside all day, so I headed out to do a little work in the garage.
While there, a few things caught my eye.
My fringe flowers were going crazy!
My cabbages are so huge and pretty this year!
Don’t you love that purple?
My mint is going nuts!
Funny thing about that, I needed some mint for a recipe over the weekend.
I asked The Hubs if he would mind running to the store for some.
He asked “Isn’t there mint in the garden?”
I looked at him like he was crazy.
“Not at this time of year!”
Boy, was I wrong.
Not only is the mint going nuts, but so are my strawberries!
I guess it’s time to clean out the leaves and add new mulch!
I also found time to run to Hobby Lobby for a few things to finish up some loose projects.
This chinoiserie vase was on sale.
It had been 59.99, on sale now for 5.99!
While it’s not my favorite pattern, I couldn’t pass that up.
Plus, it’s larger than any vase in my collection.
Since I’m convinced that Mother Nature is messing with me and that cold weather will be back soon, I treated myself to some flowers!
They look so pretty in front of my Valentine’s chalk board!
So when the cold days come back, and I know that they will, I’ll be enjoying my flowers, dreaming of Spring!
Until next time….