Patina & Paint

My New Kitchen Walls

For the record, I have painted my kitchen 5 times in 12 years.  Thank the heavens above, I just might  have finally gotten the color right with my my new kitchen walls. My family is so relieved!
When we moved into the house 12 years ago, the entire house was a blah builder beige. Now, If you like builder beige, don’t hate me. We are just not beige people. Since I was a “faux finisher” in a previous life I gave the kitchen walls a lovely golden old world finish. After that fad faded, I painted it  SW Knubby Wool to match the adjoining rooms. I quickly realized that I am not a tan girl, so I painted it bright lime green. Yeah, what was I thinking? 

When I redecorated the kitchen a few years ago, I painted it the soft pale yellow that you see here. I like it better than all of the previous colors, however I never really loved it. It was just too yellow.  So for the past few years I would whip out the paint deck only to put it away because I couldn’t make a decision.

Last week I found a few chipped and worn spots in the paint and knew that it was time for a new paint job. So I put together my equivalent of a design board. I loved SW Only Natural and thought that it would be perfect. A nice safe taupy tan. Light, airy and would match the surrounding rooms. Perfect, right?

WRONG!  It doesn’t show it that well in this picture, but it came out in this really light, awful pink!!  Not what I was going for at all. Even the Hubs who rarely says anything about my design choices raised an eyebrow and told me to run to  the paint store and fix it!

So I did what any girl would do.  I called my bestie and asked for her advice. I explained that I had gone with a safe color, not the color I had been drooling over for the past few years

I have been in love with SW Tradewind for awhile now, but kept finding a million excuses as to why I couldn’t  use it.  When I showed this color to my BFF her response was “Oh, Tammy! I love the blue!” Which in BFF talk translates to “Are you crazy? Paint the kitchen blue!!!!!” I tried to explain that I would have to paint the hutch, I might need new placemats and I was a little afraid of that much color. She simple raised her eyebrow at me. You know the look. The one where you just know they are thinking “So?”

So I did it. I painted my kitchen blue. And it is perfect! Really, really perfect.

Yes, I will be painting the hutch white, but that’s okay. I think it will really help lighten and brighten up the space.

I updated the artwork and cleaned everything up to a fine shine.

I could literally kick myself for not just going with my instinct and painting my kitchen blue years ago.  The blue is so soothing, goes really well with my cabinets and granite, and looks killer awesome with the surrounding rooms.  My new kitchen walls are so calm and soothing that I want to cook all the time. Well, okay, that may be stretching it a bit much. Okay, it might be stretching it a lot.

I love it. I really, really love it. My new kitchen walls may be my favorite thing in my kitchen. One thing this did teach me. Trust your instincts. Paint the kitchen blue!


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