Patina & Paint

My Pet Peeve


Today I’m sharing  my pet peeve. Or one of many pet peeves! ha! Honestly, I have a few.

Rude people.

Lamp cords – I mean we can send a man to the moon but we can’t find a GOOD alternative to this!

Clothes that only a skinny person could wear.. lol!

Well, you get the idea.

But today I’m going to talk about something in my home that really drives me crazy.


If builders can’t get the hole for outlets  and switches the right size, what else are they messing up?

I’ve had this issue in several of my homes and never really found a great way to fix it until today!

It all started with me looking at new light switch covers for my powder room.

TikTok made me do it!

You see all of these sleek and sexy covers and think: I need that!

Until you see the price!

I found these and thought that they were pretty, cost friendly AND would level up my powder bath!


Once I got them home I got them I also realized that they would be an easy fix for my pet peeve.

Let the heavenly choir sing!!!

They were super easy to install.

Just unscrew the old one and remove.

Place the new one over the switches and add the new screws!

TA DA!!!!!!

Not only is she pretty and fairly cost effective she hides a world of sins!

Some days it really is the little things!

Until next time….


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