Patina & Paint

Painting the Front Doors

With staying at home as much as possible being the foremost thing on our minds, I am trying to put a positiver spin on this thing by trying to get a few projects done.

One of those things was to work on the front porch. As you can see, our front porch was a little blah. In fact, painting the entire house is on our must do list.

With all of the crazy rain we’ve been having painting the house was an obvious no, however there were a few dry days recently that found us painting the front doors.

Some day I plan on replacing the front doors, however since that is not in our budget right now, paint it is!

At our last house I found the perfect front door paint. It’s made by Modern Masters.

I love it because not only is it water based and dries in 2 hours (You can literally shut the door in 2 hours!), but it also comes in some of the prettiest colors in a satin finish.

It goes on smooth and is super easy to clean up. Need I say more?

In our last house we painted the front door a beautiful navy called Peaceful. It was the perfect dark blue. Not too dark, not too light.

AND It only took one coat of blue – with a few touch ups – to cover.

I had so much left over that I think I painted everything in our backyard! Adirondack chairs, flower pots, signs, the back door…it really went a LONG way.

This time I decided I wanted to paint this house something a little more classic that featured black and white.I chose to go with MM Satin Elegant.Which is a deep true black.

I love it.

However, with this color it took almost 3 coats to cover the door. Still, a little over 6 hours, for 3 coats, from start to finish, is not too shabby! It looks fabulous.

This house has a wrap around front porch. Which means we have a side door that leads to my office. This door also faces the same direction as the front door, so you see both doors from the street. Since I was already painting the front door, it just made sense to go ahead and paint the side door too.

And I am so glad that I did. The difference just painting the front doors made was HUGE!

I told The Hubs that now I can’t wait to paint the rest of the house!

Patience is not always a virtue for me…

The weather is still not co-operating so I think I’ll just focus on not only painting the front doors, but also sprucing up the front porch.

But that’s for another day.
Until next time….

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