Patina & Paint

Paper Bunny Door Hanger

Bunny Door Hanger

Hey Friends! It’s that time of year where I want to be outside planting, however I know that Spring isn’t quite here yet. So I’m inside decorating and crafting for Spring. Today I’m sharing how to make a Paper Bunny Door Hanger with you.

Draw a Bunny

First thing I did was draw a bunny.

(If you don’t want to draw yours, you can go on-line and get a clip-art outline of a bunny.)

Once I had my bunny drawn, I cut out 2 bunnies out of brown wrapping paper.

Cutting Out Batting

Also, using your bunny pattern cut out 1 layer of batting.

Paint the Bunny

On 1 layer only, paint the bunny the color of your choice.

I chose to paint my bunny turquoise.

Mainly because it’s such a bright happy Spring color.

Obsessed about Spring?

Yes. Yes, I am!

Sew The Bunny

Take the unpainted bunny pattern ( layer 1) and lay it out.

Add the batting ( layer 2) to layer 1.

Place the bunny that you painted (layer 3) to the top of the bunny stack.

Pin the bunny layers together.

Using a sewing machine, sew around the outer 1/4 inch of the bunny.

Don’t have a sewing machine?

You could easily glue the outer edges of the bunny together to create your bunny.

Embellish Your Bunny

Now is the time to add all things pretty to your bunny!

Using white paint, add highlights to the bunny’s body.

Don’t forget to add the bunny tail!

At this point,  I wanted to add a flower to the bunny’s ear.

So instead of just painting it, I decided to make one just like I did the bunny body.

Adding a cute  bow completed the embellishments!

Add the Hanger

Using a hole punch, punch a small hole in each of the bunny’s ears.

Cut about 12 inches of wire.

Run the wire through the hole in the bunny’s ear, then loop it and twist the end around the body of the wire.

Do this with both ears.

This is what your bunny will look like at this point.

However, since it’s for the door, I felt like my bunny needed a little something else.

Maybe a greeting?

So I went in a little unexpected way, I decided to make him a hip hop bunny!

A Hip Hop Spring bunny!

I love this paper bunny door hanger and can’t wait to decorate with her.

One note of caution, because the bunny is made of paper, she’s definitely an indoor bunny!

Until next time…

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