Patina & Paint

Pokeno Decor

Pokeno decor 13

Who says that you can’t use paper plates to have a really cute Pokeno decor theme for your table?

I have been on over load lately. I admit that I really dropped the ball. Trying to get the house and yard company ready with all the rain has been challenging. Add two trips to Oklahoma and one trip to Austin in a week, plus a day off to go to the Ranger game and I will admit to not having a whole lot of  time to put a girls Pokeno night together..

In our group we eat dinner before playing. I needed to figure out my pokeno decor like yesterday. So this morning I hit Costco for food and Party City for some cute paper plates, cups and napkins and headed home to put my table together.

I wanted to use all the colors in the dinner plate I found. White, hot pink, lime green, light blue and orange. I had a few of these placemats in green and pink, but I didn’t have enough. What’s a girl to do? Why paint them of course!

I’ve done this before and it is amazing how well this works! I spray painted one side of the red placemats orange. By leaving one side its original color I can use the red at a later date. Best part of this?  You can’t tell that they are spray painted and I don’t have to store a ton of placemats.  The trick to not being able to tell that you have spray painted? Pick a color to spray paint the placemat that is close to the original color. If the original mat had been navy, you definitely could have seen the spray paint on the edges.

I started with a lime green, pink or orange placemat.

Then added the dinner plates.

Next came the salad plate and napkin. I love mixing patterns. It gives visual interest and makes the colors pop!

Next up – cups and silverware. Starting my Pokeno decor theme, I slipped the Pokeno card under my plate letting it peak out at the top.

I sprinkled hot pink playing cards down the center of the table and added small bowls to hold the pink poker chips that mark our cards. Since we eat and play at the table a real centerpiece just gets in the way, so I added a banner with small tissue flowers down the center to the playing cards that I had laid out.

I love all of the bright colors! We needed a little color on this rainy day.

I normally take more time and put a lot more effort into my table when the girls come over, but I think this one is still pretty cute. Sometimes simple decor and color go a long way! Maybe it really is OK to drop the ball once in awhile!

Until next time….


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