Patina & Paint

Pumpkin Pail Jack-o-lantern

jack-o-lanternWelcome to $10 on the 10th! Every month on the 10th a few bloggers get together and share an idea, craft etc. for under $10.00.  This month our theme is Pumpkins. So I”m sharing how to make a Pumpkin Pail Jack-o-lantern.

I know I say it often, but it’s usually still hot here in Texas in October so we look for different ways to have a jack-o-lantern  without actually carving one.

This simple  pumpkin craft is so easy and cheap that anyone can make it!


Here’s a list of supplies to make your jack-o-lantern.

Pumpkin Pail

Acrylic Paint

Gold Spray Paint

Paint Brush

Craft Knife


Paint the inside of the Pumpkin

The first thing that you will want to do is spray paint the inside of the pumpkin gold.

I like to paint mine gold because it reflects light beautifully in  the night.

Let dry completely.

If you get any spray paint on the edge of your pumpkin wipe it off immediately with a paper towel.

Paint the Outside of the Pumpkin

I’m not a big fan of the bright orange pumpkin color, so using acrylic multi-surface paints, paint the outside of the pumpkin.

If you don’t use the multi-surface acrylic paint the paint will scratch off.

Seal The Pumpkin

Once your pumpkin is dry, seal with a clear spray paint sealer.

Carve Your Pumpkin

Using a craft knife, cut out the face of the pumpkin.

Make sure you have a new, fresh ,sharp blade and take your time.

Embellish The Pumpkin

Embellish the pumpkin with whatever fun things that make you happy.

I added a big bow, but I think rhinestones, spiders, glow in the dark stickers and all sorts of fun things would look super cute too.

Now, just pop in a tea light or remote control candle and your Jack-o-lantern is ready for Halloween!

Cost to make the Pumpkin Pail Jack-o-lantern:

pumpkin: .98

I had everything else, but  if you had to buy all of the other items I’m pretty sure if you are thrifty you can easily purchase everything for under $10.00 and still have a ton left over to make other items.

Now please join me in visiting Terrie at Decorate And More With Tip and Niki at Life As A LEO Wife.

                                                              Decorate And More With Tip

   Life As A LEO Wife

Until Next time…

                         Be Sure To Pin It For Later!


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