This is the story of refreshing the dining room. There is nothing majorly wrong with it, it just needs a little up date.
A few years ago my family bought me this rug that I had been drooling over for Mother’s Day. I loved it. It added the perfect pop of color that the previous all blue toned room needed. But something was off. I couldn’t put my finger on it.
Two years.
Two years of walking by, decorating for holidays, eating family dinners and still feeling like I was wearing an uncomfortable pair of cute high heels!
Until this morning.
This morning I was drying my hair, looking at the new valance that I had just made for the bathroom thinking “why can’t I find fabric for the dining room like this?”
It has all of the blue shades that the dining room has.
The pink is the perfect shade to match the rug.
And it even has a few other colors in it that would add much needed interest to the room.
A light bulb went off.
Yeah, you know where I’m going with this!
Even though it would mean having two rooms with the same fabric, I knew that this fabric would be perfect for the dining room.
So I went tearing to Hob Lob and bought as many yards as I could get my hands on.
So here’s the plan:
Replace the existing curtains with the new fabric.
Change the fabric on the chairs.
I thought about finding a coordinating fabric for the chairs, but quickly realized that under that blue is a solid white fabric.
My fingers are wincing just thinking about removing all of the staples!
Of course, I’m keeping the rug and most of the furniture in the dining room,
I’m also keeping my blue and white dishes.
However, I am going to try to add in more gold accents.
And I may even repaint a piece of furniture or two, however I’m trying to remind myself that I am refreshing the dining room not giving it a full on makeover.
My only indecision is with these side chairs.
I’m not sure that the pattern will work with the rest of the room as the scale is so large. I may be selling these and recovering a few others that I have.
I would also like to repaint the dining room to a lighter more neutral paint color.
However, that’s not gonna happen as my floor plan is very open and it would mean repainting almost all of the downstairs.
As I’ve stated before, The Hubs says that he will move before repainting the downstairs ever again.
Guess he hates hanging from ladders 20 feet in air!
That’s the plan so far. I can’t wait to get started on refreshing the dining room.
Until next time….