Patina & Paint

Seven Days To A Better Closet – Makeover Part 2

closet 1 collage


If you saw my earlier post on my closet makeover, you know that it took me seven days to transform my closet and give it a really great makeover.   I left off after day 3 in my last post.  Three days of hard work, painting the walls, trim and staining concrete. Now for the fun part – the organization and putting it all together!



Day 4:  On day four it was time to put the protective sealer on the stained concrete.  Easy in the work load department, but one of those days where you did a little work and waited.  Not a lot of closet makeover action going on – at all! So while I was waiting for the floor sealer to dry and decided to get crafty and work on the closet decor.



First on my list – organize my jewelry!  I had a ton of jewelry all over my closet and bedroom. It was all in jewelry boxes of one type or another but, if asked to list all of the stuff I had, I honestly don’t think I could have told you!  When the nieces were here a few weeks ago I helped them make their own jewelry organizers. So I decided that making one to fit the new decor of my closet makeover was just what I needed!  Now I can see exactly what I have and I have worn earrings that I haven’t worn in years.



Next on the closet makeover list – a mirror.  It needed to be small enough to fit inside one of my closet cubbies.  I had a decorative one that would be  a perfect fit  but, it was too dark.  So I added gold Rub n Buff. Problem solved! I was starting to get excited about my new closet space!



DAY 5:   Decor finished and sealer dry, it was time to load the closet.  I liked the spacious feel of it when it was empty so much so that I almost hated to put everything back in!  So I didn’t.  I took all of the winter clothing and loaded them into tubs, hung them in spare closets and or got rid of anything we hadn’t worn in awhile. No junk going back in!  For the most part I tried to use hangers that were all the same so that the clothes would hang well and it would look good!  I’m not gonna lie, this took me most of the day because I couldn’t decide where I wanted everything to go. Or, I would put something where I thought it should go, only to change my mind later….  At this point I must admit I was a little frustrated!  I had eliminated a ton of stuff and STILL felt like I needed more space.  Plus, the mini chandelier I had ordered arrived – in 500 pieces!  I needed a rocket scientist to help me put it together!  End of day 5!



DAY 6:  My rocket scientist arrived in the form of my Hubs! Thanks goodness.  It looked worse than it was.  He did the wiring and I attached the crystals!  I love, love, love it!  So pretty, so sparkly – my one true splurge!  Looking at the picture here it doesn’t look like 500 pieces but trust me it was a mess!  A bit of rearranging in the closet and we were done for the day!



DAY 7:   A little shopping for  a rug and a few organizational containers and this closet makeover is done! I found a rug, one with a non-slip backing.  I really wanted a white fur animal skin rug, but who am I kidding? I would be constantly freaking out over dirt and fluffing it…. um, no!  So I did what any practical girl would do and bought the sensible rug.  Still not happy with it but, I figure the price was right and if I find one the I am in Lurve with later on I can always buy it and move this one somewhere else in the house!

Overall I am happy with my closet.  Would I love for it to look like all of the Pinterest closets where everything is color co-ordinated – including the clothes?  You bet.  But this is the real world and I don’t plan on wearing turquoise everyday so I am just gonna be content with a well organized closet that actually works! I think that this closet makeover was a success!

Until next time…



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