Patina & Paint

Spring To Summer Two Tiered Tray

lemon napkin

Every Wednesday I collaborate with two talented bloggers Terrie at Decorate And More With Tip and Corine at Junk To Gems.  We create videos that have one of three themes. Crafts, Home Decor or Home Cleaning.  This week’s video, Craft with Us, Styling a Spring to Summer two tiered tray was super fun to make.

Since it was Craft With Us week, we decided to make 3 crafts to decorate our trays with.

My theme for my tray is Lemons.

I ended up loving my lemon themed tray so much that I decided to use it as a centerpiece on my breakfast room table.

Craft 1:

The first craft I made was this super easy, fun mini rolling pin.

I found the mini pins here.

This craft is super easy.

Simply paint the handles white and the body bright yellow.

For the lettering, I could have just wrote Lemonade by hand, however I chose to use sticker letters so that I could re-use the mini pin later.

To finish my rolling pin off, I tied a blue and white ribbon on one end.

Craft 2:

Craft two was this pretty picture frame with the lemon watercolor in it.

Again, a simple craft using paint, ribbon and hot glue.

Paint the frame yellow.

Paint white dots randomly on the sides of the frame.

Glue ribbon to the front of the picture frame.

Add a cute bow.

Pop in art of your choice and you have a super cute piece of art!

I found my 3 x 5 frames here.


Craft 3:

My third and final craft was this super sweet fresh squeezed lemon sign.

I found my block of wood here.

While this craft was a little harder than the others, I think almost anyone could paint this sign.

For complete details on how to make it, you can watch the video here.

On the lower level of my tray I added a bold napkin for texture and color.

Wooden beads, lemons  – both placed randomly and nestled into a pretty blue and white chinoiserie cup and saucer.

The top level has a pretty lemon and blueberry bow, a white mug filled with lemons and a sweet little ceramic bird.

Since you can see all the way around, on the back side I used my fresh squeezed lemon sign and loose lemons.

On the upper level you see the same mug with lemons and bow as well as a white ceramic house sporting the sign “Pucker Up!”

My Spring to Summer two tiered tray is proof that you don’t have to spend a lot of money on decorating your trays.

Not only that, but you don’t need a ton of things to fill it up.

Sometimes less really is more!

Since I decorated my tray all the way around I can use it as a centerpiece for my table.

And look how well my tray goes with the place settings!

Don’t forget to head on over to my fellow bloggers sites to see how their trays turned out!

Until next time….


 Corine’s at Junk to Gems


Terrie’s Decorate And More With Tip

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