Patina & Paint

The Storytelling Christmas Tree

Christmas tree collage


I love a pretty Christmas tree. I love one that is sentimental more.  Over the years I have tried to combine the pretty with the meaningful and I think I do okay with that.  Since my boys were old enough to choose, I let them pick out an ornament each year.

Some years it was REALLY hard to pay for the ornaments that they chose. This green octopus thing? For reals? Now I look at those ornaments every year and smile.  Each of them hold memories. I guess you could say we have a storytelling Christmas tree!


Batman is my youngest sons all time favorite, followed closely by Jack Skellington.


My older son has many Scooby Dos, Star Wars, Muppets and sports.


The hubs?  Camping, Airplanes and barbecue. The man makes a mean briquet!


Me? Anything with a crown, queens, Maxine or crosses.


There are many “firsts” on our tree. First Christmas together.


Baby’s first Christmas.


The Shiny Brights remind me of the vintage ones  we had on our tree growing up. We don’t have any of those anymore. Most were destroyed when our house caught on fire on New Years Eve when I was in second grade.


We also try and buy ornaments from places we vacation.  This year it was Savannah, GA…..


New Orleans….


and Las Vegas. We had a good year!


There is a lot of “life” on our tree and I love it that way.  My tree will never be the most beautiful or the most color co-ordinated. It definitely has no “theme”.   I am more than okay with that.  It warms my heart every time I look at it and come away with another memory that makes up our lives.

Merry Christmas to me!

Until next time…..



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