Patina & Paint

Things To Do For the Holidays Now

things to do for the holidays now

I know that we haven’t even celebrated Halloween, but the big holidays are just around the corner. Yikes! If you are like me, I like to plan ahead of time so that my holidays are a little less stressful. Today I’m sharing a few things to do  for the holidays now.

You know, things that will leave you feeling a little more like wonder woman and a little less stressed out!

Make a list

Are you a list maker?

I am.

In fact, I make a list for everything!

If it isn’t written down, it doesn’t get done.

I’m old school, I have to write it down.

No lists on the phone or computer. I’ve tried. It goes into the phone and I promptly forget it.

Plus, I have this crazy fear of what if I lost my phone? No thank you.

Any who, making a list of everything from gifts to buy, menus and a general to do list will make your life so much easier!


Get Your Calendar Ready

I’m a long time calendar decorating nerd. I love to decorate it. My Happy Planner is all filled out and ready to go, sitting out on my desk ready for my family and me to fill in our events.

As the long list of parties, lunches and family get togethers roll in, mark it down immediately.

This makes my family’s life so much easier!


Pick a Theme and Run With It

I used to hate that some stores put Christmas out months early every year.

Then my mom shared that she like being able to purchase some decorative and craft things early.

Spread out the cost and allow her to get ahead of the game.

Do you use the same decor every year, or change things up a bit?

I don’t change everything, but I do like change up my ribbon, wrapping papers etc.

Now is the time to choose those things and purchase them.


Christmas Cards

Do you still send out Christmas Cards?

There is something about sending and getting actual mail that I just love!

If you do send out cards, now is the time to start.

Take those pictures, order or purchase your cards.

Because I like to hand address mine and write a little note on the inside, I start now!

I like to have them finished by Thanksgiving or shortly thereafter.


Wrap it Up

Wrap gifts as you go.

For me, there is nothing worse than having a wrapping marathon.

I know peeps that love doing that, but the thought gives me the hives!

I like taking my time and making them pretty.


Put Away Your Fall Decor

After Halloween I start paring things down.

I still keep out my favorite velvet pumpkins, but I start cleaning things up and putting things away.

It makes a deep clean before starting my decorating for the holidays easier!


Go through Your Christmas Decor

I HATE  this part.

I really, really do.

However, as a blogger, we do things super early in order to have things ready to share with you.

Whether you are a blogger, or not, going through your decor makes things easier in the long run.

Getting rid of , fixing what’s broken, what needs to be replaced or tossed out ahead of time saves a lot of last minute trips to the store in the middle of decorating.

That’s it.

Hopefully some, if not all, of these tips will make your life a little less stressful as the holidays get closer.

Until next time….





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