Patina & Paint

This and That What Went on This Week

This and That collage

Hi y’all! How’s your week going?

I hope that you are having a wonderful week.  It looks like we will be home for a little while longer. Seems like everyone has their own way of dealing with being at home more.

So, are you learning anything new? Or are you sitting on the sofa binge watching in your pajamas?

Me? I’m doing a little of this and that. What went on this week at the Castle? A lot!

It’s the second full week in April and feels like day 7000 of this Pandemic. But my goal this week was to be hopeful, upbeat and stay busy!

I started off the week on Easter Sunday by making honey bunnies. Not a bad way to start a week at all!

I was so grateful to find flour. I’d been looking for a few weeks and was fearful that we would not be enjoying them this year. After searching for what seemed like forever, I found a bag!

Honestly,  I will never take the ordinary things for granted ever again!

Monday found me taking all of the bunnies, nests and all things easter down. I found these two candlesticks and small vase at an estate sale my bff was having.

I’ve been waiting decor always makes me happy!

Tuesday found me making masks for friends and family. I’m no expert at making masks for sure…but with the shortage of masks it only made sense to make a few.

I think I’m up to about 30 now.

I’ve decided to learn a new art. Watercolor painting.

Of all the different types of art, this is one that I’ve never done a lot with.

Y’all, it’s hard!

Then I saw that Lucy from Craftberry Bush was giving free lessons on instagram and I couldn’t resist! Still practicing a lot and honestly I have nothing worth showing, but I will say that I am enjoying the process so far!

I did break out the acrylic paints to paint a super quick fun painting for my sister who loves pigs. It’s been one of those weeks for her and I thought that I’d send her some hi I’m thinking of you happy mail.

Wednesday was super exciting. 

We’ve been trying to get a pool built since we moved in. With the holidays, then the weather it’s been a slow process. Last week they dug a huge hole.

Monday the metal benders and the plumbers came and the mud hole became a hole with lots of pipe and wire in it. Then on Wednesday, out of the blue, a crew showed up in the afternoon and this is what our pool looks like.


Its starting to look like a real pool! Our  builder is hoping to get the electrician out soon. Once he’s done, its time for rock, tile and decking. Bring on the decking!

Momma’s already tired of cleaning up the mud!

Thursday found us with the most beautiful weather, even if it was a little windy. 

We’ve been slowly, section by section, digging up the old overgrown shrubbery that came with the house. If you look at the very top of this picture you can see what I’m talking about.

I headed out front this morning with the intent of taking the old stone border and use it to lay out the shape of the new bed. However, the shrubs were so overgrown that I couldn’t even begin to do that. So, before we knew it we were tearing out all of the overgrown shrubs in this bed.

What a workout!

Today I’m off to pick up new shrubs that I ordered for this bed. Maybe a few new flowers to keep me busy over the weekend. Truly my happy place!

Oh, I did find time somewhere in the week to make some homemade bread.

So yummy!

Good thing we got a great workout gardening. I sure needed it!

So what projects are you working on? Learning anything new? Or maybe just enjoying an old hobby or being with your family. I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to! I need some ideas for next week.

Until next time….

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