When we last spoke, I was impatiently waiting the arrival of my new duvet and shams. Well, I am happy to say that they arrived last week and I got to spend the weekend updating the master bedroom part 2!
This is what my master looked like last week.
Cute, but it was time for a refresh.
I couldn’t open the new duvet and sham up fast enough and get started.
My new duvet cover and shams came from Pottery Barn.
I have to say that in the past I have only purchased children’s bedding and quilts from them, so when I opened this up I was a tiny bit disappointed.
Not disappointed enough to send it back, but still my excitement dropped a little.
In the store the duvet felt super, super soft.
However, upon opening it up it was fine, it just did not have the same feel.
And then The Hubs and I slept under it and we ROASTED.
I’m here to tell you that this girl wears flannel P.J.’s from October to April, so when I say it was hot , you know it was hot.
Plus, I wasn’t sure that I liked that much of my bedding to be so “matchy”.
On a positive note, the colors in the new bedding look beautiful with the headboard!
I couldn’t have matched it better!
After much thought, I decided to pull out my old quilt and kicked the new duvet to the bottom of the bed.
And I love it!
Next up, some new accessories.
Which for me, may be my favorite part.
I was thinking of painting some new art work for above my dresser, but then I saw this beauty!
Not the best picture, or angle, but I think this one may be a winner!
So far, updating the master bedroom part 2 has been so much fun.
Now, if you will excuse me, I still have a ton of painting to do.
Until next time….