Patina & Paint

Wallpaper In The Half Bath


Welcome to the DIY Challenge! This month’s challenge was any project to do with home improvement. I chose to put wallpaper in the half bath.

In full discloser, adding wallpaper in the half bath was inspired by my involvement with a group of bloggers doing One Room At A Time.  If you missed my post on that, you can see it here. So this was a bonus for me.

Each Month Terrie from Decorate And More With Tip decides on a them and then challenges a group of fun and talented bloggers  to create something within that theme. A great Big thank you to Terrie for always coming up with something challenging and fun every month!

Now let’s get started!


I found this wallpaper here.

It was love at first sight, although I almost didn’t buy it because it didn’t match my favorite of all time hand towels!

Crazy, right?

I chose a peel and stick wallpaper.

Mainly because I swore that I would NEVER put up wallpaper in my home again after removing tons of Wallpaper that was poorly installed over the years.

Plus, if I was over it, it would be easy to remove.


This room has been evolving over the last three years when we purchased this house.

I’d work on it for awhile, then get side tracked and it never got finished.

I wanted the wall behind the mirror to be a statement wall.

I thought about tile, but in the end decided that wallpaper would be the best way to add color and texture within my budget.

Wall Prep

Let’s talk about wall prep.

I needed to do a few things before wallpapering.

The old light fixture was going and new wall sconces were being installed.

So that is the first thing that we did.

Holes from the last fixture were patched.

Next, I needed to get rid of the texture on the walls.

I was wracking my brain on the best way to do this with the least amount of dust when Terrie from Decorate And More With Tip shared that she was getting rid of the texture on her walls too.

Terrie shares how to prep your walls in her home improvement post today.

So I’ll skip sharing that part and move on with the wall paper installation.

Step 1

Working from the upper left side of the wall, I marked 20.5 inches.

This was per the directions on my peel and stick wallpaper.

Then, using a long level, I marked a line using a pencil from the top of the wall to the bottom of the wall.

Sorry the picture is blurry, but I was trying to take a picture all while holding the level and pencil!


Wallpaper Installation

Next it was time to add the wallpaper.

Peel about 12″ of the baking away from the paper.

Apply the paper to the top right hand side of the wall allowing 1 -2 inches to overlap the ceiling.

We will get rid of the excess later.

Align the right side of the paper with your vertical line and lightly press the edge to the wall along the line.

Working from the top to the bottom, pull the backing away from the paper as you evenly press the paper to the wall.

The directions suggest having one person guide the paper at the top and along the seams, while a second person holds the opposite edge away from the wall until the seams align.

The manufacturer suggests overlapping 1/16″ to avoid any shrinkage that may occur.

Smooth the wallpaper using moderate pressure, start in the middle at the top and work your way to the edges.

Be sure to push out any air bubbles to ensure proper adhesion.

Trim off any excess paper at the ceiling and baseboards – or in my case the bathroom countertop- using a sharp razor and  a ruler.

Change the razor blade often to ensure clean edged cuts.

And just like that the wallpaper in the half bath was installed!

This is the first time I’ve ever used peel and stick wallpaper.

I have to say that there were times it felt like  I was wrestling with a toddler in a ball pit.

I definitely recommend having another person help you.

At the end of the day, I must say that the wallpaper definitely gave me the statement wall that I was looking for!

Please join me in visiting the other bloggers in this month’s DIY Challenge. Next up is  Teresa from Through A Vintage Door, I can’t wait to see her project.  Once you are done there head on over to the other blogger to see their home improvement projects.

Terrie Decorate and More with Tip

Tammy Patina and Paint

Teresa Through the Vintage Door

Shae Sweet Southern Grace

Until next time…


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