Patina & Paint

What I Should Be Doing

I had a plan. I was going to meet my bestie for lunch and see a movie. Afterwards, I was coming home and finish painting my kitchen hutch. However, that is not what happened.

On the way home from lunch, my bestie and I saw Hare’s Nursery. Of course, we had to stop. Naturally we bought some flowers. So it is needless to say that my plans changed. I’m planting flowers when what I should be doing is painting my hutch.

A few weekends ago the Hubs and I cleaned out the garden and the planting beds. A few days ago I planted tomatoes. Today I watered them and did a little weeding.

I checked in on my strawberries to see if any needed picking. They are going CRAZY!

No strawberries for today. Maybe tomorrow!

I bought a few plants to add to my pots that overwintered.

Yes, that is a head less angel in the bottom of the photo. We have had wicked storms with straight line winds recently. My kids are thinking I should leave it until Halloween. Um.. no.

I planted a few new pots.  These New Guinea impatient are perfect for the shade.

I dead headed my clematis.

My hummingbird feeders are full and ready for my favorite birds. I’ve already seen a few!

The newest additions to the shade garden are some wood ferns. I’m so glad that our trees have grown enough for shade plants! I can’t wait to plant more ferns and hostas.

I still have so many things to do outside, but before I get to play some more I think I need to get back inside and finish up what I should be doing! That white hutch is calling my name.

I promise to finish  painting my hutch and share it with you tomorrow!




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