Patina & Paint

Wrapping Center Makeover

Wrap center collage


Ya gotta be crazy to start a project in the middle of the Christmas season!  But this one was  born out of necessity.  The necessity to keep me sane!  I usually wrap gifts on the pool table. Pro’s? Lots of space. Good lighting. Con’s? I have drag everything out. Usually leave a mess because I am in a hurry. Drives the Hubs cray cray!  BIG TIME!

I am up to my elbows in projects,work, decorating and wrapping gifts when I decide that it was time for a wrapping center makeover!

The dust catcher exercise room is just off of the game room and has this teeny, tiny closet that has housed everything from Halloween costumes to knick knack paddy crap from all over the house.  I have been eyeing it for years thinking that there should be some way to make it into a wrapping center or at least organize my many rolls of paper! All I had to do was clean it out ( see the Hubs laughing hysterically!) and do the makeover with what I had on hand as much as possible. Lots of pics so bear with me.


I had this small dresser that a neighbor had graciously given me that was the perfect size. Only it was HOT pink.  Normally, I would have spent a lot more time on painting this piece, but did I mention it is in the middle of the Christmas season?


So spray paint it is until after the holidays!


The dresser installed! Woo Hoo!


I found these drawer pulls at Hob Lob.  I am in love!!! Only one problem.  They only had five and I need six.  What the heck!  I bought the five and will pray I can find another at a different Hob Lob. Bonus! They were half off.


Ya’ll KNOW I love to line my drawers.  Ross had this paper for $3.99.


If you think this is too time consuming – I timed myself.  Literally took me six minute to cut and install. So worth it.  A little fun surprise every time I open the drawer!


Dresser – done! Now how to store and hang the wrapping paper? If you look closely to the side of the dresser you see rolls of paper stored in a container made just for that.  It works fine but I wanted to have some out and ready to use. Especially the Christmas paper.  I had two gold tension rods and two black hanging rods with brackets.  Perfect. I spray painted the hanging rods gold and hung all four above the dresser.


Then it was time to hang it all up.  BUT! Before I started I realized just how “white” the walls were.  Y’all know I can’t stand all white so I used a circle sponge and gold paint ( thank you Martha Stewart) and randomly painted circles on the wall. No rhyme, no reason. Just eye balled it.  I only put the circles around the dresser because this is a small space.  I was afraid it would be too busy!

Time to hang ribbon and wrap rolls.  I only put up the Christmas stuff. When Christmas is over it will go back in the roll bin and the everyday stuff will come out. If you look closely I hung a command strip hook on the wall to hold larger decorations,scissors etc.

Time to load the drawers. I had a few containers to corral all the stuff…but not enough so it is off to the Dollar Tree where I bought a whopping’ $12.00 worth of containers.  Drawer 1 – all of the small bows, decorative embellishments, small cloth bags,scissors, tags, glue etc.


Drawer two – small boxes and unusual bags.


Drawer three – note cards, greeting cards and small gifts.


Thanks to my son who left a whole lot of wooden hangers when he moved out I had the perfect tissue organizer.  I used the hangars to organize my tissue papers. Crazy smart right? Thank you Pinterest!


Christmas bags – I didn’t have a container and haven’t found exactly the right one. So for now the lid to the wrapping paper storage container will hold them just fine! I had this extra trash can in my office, not all that pretty but works okay for now.


So here it is for now. I love it. Girl squeal! It is small but works hard!

I still have some minor things to improve on.  Repaint the dresser to something awesome! Find my sixth pull. If I get up enough nerve I am gonna paint the hangers and the original clothes hanging rods gold. ( worried about the paint flaking off of the hanging rods!) I would love a prettier storage container for the sacks. Also, in the top drawer there were some hot pink containers that will become gold. Oh, and if you are wondering where the everyday bags and boxes are stored they are in bins above the dresser on the shelving.  Once Christmas is over I will swap them out.

This project took two half days. One to paint and install everything and one to do a little shopping. Not much time at all!  Mainly because I had most of everything I used.

Cost: drawer pulls $15.00 plus tax

drawer liner $3.99 plus tax

dresser -free

Paint – free

Containers – $12.00

Hangers – free

trash can – free

Basically, for under $35.00  I have a new “room” and my sanity!  Not bad for a wrapping center makeover!

Until next time…



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