Patina & Paint

Ear Bobs, Gold Lame’ and Go Go Boots

Ear Bobs, Gold Lame’ and Go Go Boots. All three remind me of my Granny. She hated being called Granny, but pulled her big girl pants up and embraced it anyway.  As they say in the south, she was whiskey in a tea cup.

So why am I telling you this? Have you ever seen something that not only reminded you of someone, but also made you nostalgic for that person? That happened to me recently and I can’t help but share that story!

My story starts with these ear bobs, which is what my Granny called clip on earrings.

I found a bucket of them recently.

Immediately, I was reminded of my Granny.

Granny was an Accountant, a Beauty Operator, Dress shop owner, wife, mother and super star grandmother.

Not only did she have shoes and purses to match every out fit, no one got in the way of her weekly hair and nail appointment.

Granny loved to socialize so she  had formals, gold lame’ gloves and in later years wore Go Go boots and drove a GOAT.

More importantly, she introduced her granddaughters to coke floats, gold fish crackers, sleepovers and her love of listening to Tom Jones and Engelbert Humperdinck records on her old portable record player.

Honestly, I wasn’t sure exactly what I was going to do with those ear bobs.

Then, as fate would have it, I spied this print on Etsy.

It’s called “The disappearance of Lottie Lightfoot” by Janet Hill.

One look and I was transported back in time rummaging through my Granny’s closet!

When I was very good, I was allowed to play dress up in her closet or rearrange her costume jewelry drawers.

The very best of times.

I counted down the days, waiting for the arrival of the print so that I could get it framed.

Truly, I loved it.

Then I had a thought.

What if I could incorporate the ear bobs with the print?

So, I did!

Yep, I hot glued those ear bobs all over that frame!

Is it a little over the top, gaudy even?

You bet it is!

But, I love it.

Honestly, it makes me smile every time I look at it.

After sending a picture to my sisters, I asked what they thought.

They had the same reaction that I did, love at first sight.

More importantly, I look at it and feel the warmth and love of my Granny.

Every. Single. Time.

So, here’s to ear bobs, gold lame’ and Go Go boots!

Until next time….



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