Between jury duty and pulling a hip muscle it’s been one of those weeks that I haven’t gotten anything done. Instead of my usual “here’s what’s going on at the castle” posts, I decided to share a few of my favorite things!
At the beginning of January I shared how beautiful this Amaryllis was.
Sadly, those beautiful blooms have come and gone.
However, a few new shoots have shot up and I’m really hoping for round 2!
Tuesday was jury duty.
Unfortunately, Monday I pulled a hip muscle.
I pulled up my big girl panties and hobbled my way through it.
Thankfully, I was not chosen for the trial portion!
Tuesday evening was way more fun as it was PoKeeno night!
Nothing makes me feel better than a few hours with my besties!
I won these gorgeous tulips.
Between the Amaryllis and the tulips, the recent gray days are a little brighter!
I’ve mentioned several times that I love Mud Pie.
So much so, that I know you are rolling your eyes thinking “We know, we know!”
Well, I also collect white dishes.
These hob nail plates are some of my favorites!
So when I won this bowl…
and this platter, I was over the moon!
Woo Hoo! It was a good night at PoKeeno for sure.
Earlier in the week I shared that I was looking at a few new accessories for the master bedroom update.
I talked The Hubs into being my chauffeur/ pack mule.
Now, this is where my eyes were bigger than my tape measure!
I’m usually pretty good spatially, not this time.
I knew it needed to be a big painting, but maybe not this big.
I’m on the fence.
What do you think?
However, on a positive note, these pillows were exactly the color I wanted!
I’m in pillow love.
Hopefully, next week will be more of a I got a lot done this week and a little less of it’s been one of those weeks!
Have a wonderful weekend!