Patina & Paint

Monogramed Towels

Monogramed Towels 6

I love monograms. It’s a new passion of mine. So lucky for me my sister gave me some monogramed towels for my birthday. Even more lucky for me my niece-in-law is the one who monogramed them! Get ready for this: She has a monogram machine!!!! Let the heavenly choir sing!

My sister gave me two towels. One you see here, and the other I carry in my tennis bag.  In my monogramed high it occurred to me that these would make the perfect gift. Birthdays, hostess gifts… gifts fit for a Queen.

January has three Queenly birthdays so I thought that these monogramed towels, along with some awesome hand soaps, would be perfect birthday gifts.

I tried to choose colors that each of  the Queens would love and of course they had to have a crown!

I don’t know about you, but I think these are just about perfect. My niece does such a beautiful job. So much so that I am thinking about monograms on napkins, and purses, and placemats…. the list is really endless!

Now, you must excuse me, I’ve got to go shopping – new napkins are calling my name!

Until next time….


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You can find me at these fabulous parties:

 Redhead Can Decorate – Inspiration Monday 

  The Scoop #215

Wow Us Wednesday #266

Thoughts Of Home Thursday

Vintage Charm Party #23

Share Your Style Link Party #58


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