Monogramed Towels

Monogramed Towels 6

I love monograms. It’s a new passion of mine. So lucky for me my sister gave me some monogramed towels for my birthday. Even more lucky for me my niece-in-law is the one who monogramed them! Get ready for this: She has a monogram machine!!!! Let the heavenly choir sing!Monogram towels

My sister gave me two towels. One you see here, and the other I carry in my tennis bag.  In my monogramed high it occurred to me that these would make the perfect gift. Birthdays, hostess gifts… gifts fit for a Queen.

monogram towels 4

January has three Queenly birthdays so I thought that these monogramed towels, along with some awesome hand soaps, would be perfect birthday gifts.

monogram towels 3

I tried to choose colors that each of  the Queens would love and of course they had to have a crown!

monogram towels 2

I don’t know about you, but I think these are just about perfect. My niece does such a beautiful job. So much so that I am thinking about monograms on napkins, and purses, and placemats…. the list is really endless!

Now, you must excuse me, I’ve got to go shopping – new napkins are calling my name!

Until next time….


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You can find me at these fabulous parties:

 Redhead Can Decorate – Inspiration Monday 

  The Scoop #215

Wow Us Wednesday #266

Thoughts Of Home Thursday

Vintage Charm Party #23

Share Your Style Link Party #58



  1. I haven’t met a surface I didn’t want to monogram!
    I think it started when I was in elementary school and I doodled initials in the margins of school papers!

    A machine in the family! Woo hoo!

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us all at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. We are so glad you are here!

    1. Laura I have to admit that when I found out that my niece bought a machine I did a great big girl squeal! Love, love, love a monogram!

  2. Tammy I too love monogrammes and yours are divine! Please come and share your gorgeous post at Five Star Frou-Frou at A Tray of Bliss? We’d love to host you!

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