On Tuesday morning my living room looked like this. My living room decor for the past few years has been mostly neutrals with a dash of black and a pretty green turquoise. Today, my living room is blue! In fact, it started looking a lot bluer by Tuesday evening!
I blame it on my hip.
Unfortunately, I tend to curl up on the sofa and as I’ve gotten older my hip doesn’t like it!
It was suggested that I sit in a chair that I couldn’t curl up in.
One big problem: this was the only chair in the room that wasn’t The Hubs recliner.
While it’s really pretty, it is very uncomfortable!
I have been searching high and low for the perfect chair for some time.
And then a friend suggested that I look at Pier 1.
Let the heavenly choir sing!
I found not only this beauty, but also an ottoman to match also.
I’ve told you before that my decorating style is “If you give a mouse a cookie” and this chair is a beautiful illustration of that.
Nothing in my living room, besides the sofa and The Hubs recliner matches my new chair.
So, the search for a new rug, new curtains and new accessories has begun!
I was at Hob Lob on Wednesday, where I found pillow covers on sale!
I found these steel blue ones that match perfectly for $4.99!
As you can see, the rug and accessories definitely must change!
If you are looking for pillow covers, Hob Lob has a ton on sale right now.
This shiny beauty would be perfect for a tweens room!
Not looking for anything shiny?
Then how about a luxurious velvet?
Or you want to step out on the wild side.
Either way you go, you can’t beat these prices on pillow covers!
On my shopping trip, I also picked up a few other pillows, throws and accessories, however I think I will wait to share those until I get all of the rest of the room put together!
Little by little, my living room is looking blue.
I have to say, I’m really loving it!