Patina & Paint

Painting Wooden Signs

Wooden Signs 15


Funny thing, I have been painting wooden signs for other people for a long time, but I have never painted one for myself.

I painted these signs for my friend Gigi just before Christmas.

She wanted signs with wording that meant something to her family instead of the generic ones that you find everywhere.

I had a “left over” sign… it was meant to be!

I stained the sign brown. Then painted it white, followed by a coat of Duck Egg. A little distressing and it was ready to go.

I printed off the initial of my last name, turned it over and taking a pencil, I colored over the entire letter area. Flip your letter over and place it where you want it…

Take an ink pen and outline the letter. Where ever you draw with the pen, the pencil will transfer leaving you an outline of you letter so you can clearly see where to paint. So Easy! Now… just paint!

This trick doesn’t work with every sign, some I  just draw by hand ,but for simple lettering this is fast and easy!

TA DA!!!! Here is my lovely painted wooden sign!

Perfect on my front porch!

Lovin’ that I have my own wooden sign!  Not bad for an afternoons worth of work.

Until next time….


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