It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

It’s Ten on the 10th! Usually there are ten or more fabulous bloggers sharing their ideas for under $10.00. This month however there less than 10 of us. #life. Our theme this month is Holidays. Which is perfect because it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas here at the castle!

Anyone who knows me well or has been reading my blog for awhile, knows that I love colored glass. I’ve been collecting it since I was knee high to a grasshopper! So it will be no surprise to you that snow globes fall into the colored glass/collectible area.

On a recent shopping trip with friends to the Fort Worth Junior League Craft show one item stood out from all of the others. Snow globe lanterns. Some were old time lanterns, some were in the newer stream lined black lantern style. Almost all lit up and blew snow around winter characters in the “globe”. Unfortunately, at $50.00 and up, they were out of my price range. So I sadly moved on to other purchases.

Remember my recent trip to Walmart for some fun Christmas items? Well, Imagine my surprise when I found some very similar lantern snow globes!

I was in a big hurry, story of my life… so I didn’t pick one up.You guessed it, by the time I got back all of the sleeker lantern styles were gone!

However, they did have this cute red lantern.It lights up, and as the box advertises, it spins the water making the pretty glitter go crazy!

Not only is it pretty, but it’s costs only $9.98!See the pretty plaid tress?Another Walmart find. And guess what? The larger one is a mere $4.78 and the smaller was $3.48! Making both under $10! It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas here at the castle!Now, I hope that you will join me in checking out my fellow bloggers wonderful ideas!