What I did Over The Holidays

Happy New Year my friends! I hope that you enjoyed your holidays as much as I did. As I get ready for the new year, I can’t help but look back at what I did over the holidays. The past few weeks have been super busy, a lot of fun and left me recharged and ready to rock 2020.

Besides shopping, going to parties, and watching football we did fit in an evening to go look at the Christmas lights in our neighborhood. So many beautiful and creative displays. One was even synced to music! So much fun.

Son #2 was sick over Christmas, so we didn’t get our usual photo by the tree. However, we did get this one taken at the Lagaly family Christmas. Even though it’s not the greatest picture of The Hubs, I’ll take it! With all of us living in different cities, going in different directions all of the time it is hard to get photos of all of us together.

Once the Christmas tree and decorations were put away, it was time to do a little decorating. We had only been in our new house a little over a month when it was time to put up the Christmas decor so I didn’t do a whole lot of decorating before. I’m having so much fun getting my decor out and playing with it!

Right before Christmas I hit up Hobby Lobby for a few last minute Christmas items and came home with a lot more than I went for. Who could resist at 50% – 60% off? I finally got around to hanging this shelf and pictures.

After Christmas I realized that our temporary dining table just wasn’t working. So I started shopping. And failed to find anything that I liked in my price range. So I found the cutest fixer upper table and chairs on Amazon Market. We picked these up the Saturday before New Year’s Day. We tied them down well, or so we thought. On the way home a huge gust of wind moved not one, but two chairs right into the table legs. Sigh. Oh, well. I wanted to learn how to cane a chair anyway. NOT. I also cut my hand on the chair pad, but decided to spare you that photo!

I started a loop yarn project that I will share with you next week on the DIY Challenge. Let’s just say that like Scarlet O’Hara says “as God as my witness I will NEVER do this one again.” The tutorial said it was a beginner project that took a couple of hours. 5 days later….We will leave it there until next week.

Last on my list of things I did over the holidays – I rearranged the living room. And I love it. Finally! It’s a long story involving a floor outlet, but could never get this room arranged to my liking. See where that little white chest is behind the sofa? Well, it took care of the floor outlet and the rest of the room fell into place. I’ll be on the look out for a small, skinny sofa table to replace it, but for now I am loving the look and feel of this room!
So what comes after the holidays?