Getting Ready for Summer

I feel like I blinked and Spring snuck out the backdoor, while Summer is racing in the front! The past month has been crazy. We’ve had a ton of rain, which has made getting the outside ready for Summer a challenge.

The Hubs and I replaced our fence. The good Lord is my witness that I will never put up another fence. Yes, I’m projecting Scarlet, but I feel it is fitting for this situation. This girl is way too old for those kind of shenanigans!
Once the fence was up, I knew that we needed to add a few trellises for our passion vine.
We found this one on Amazon and I am in love with it.

I was just telling The Hubs that the good news was that it has been raining and everything is lush, green and growing like weeds.
The bad news is that it has been raining and everything is lush, green and growing like weeds.
However, if it ever dries out enough to get out and cut things back, do a little dead heading, mulch some beds and catch some rays I will be one happy camper!

Okay, this is the plant that I am most proud of!
These glorious, brightly colored Zinnias! Girl squeal!
Why you might ask, because up until this moment in my long gardening history I have been unable to grow them.
I know that everyone else in the great state of Texas and all of its surrounding states can grow them. I can not. Don’t judge, I can grow just about anything else!
Except hydrangeas… sigh.

Not only are the flowers going crazy, but so are the Anoles.
This baby lizard was hanging out by my back door. Scared. Me. To. Death.
I think they are cute, however, I prefer to enjoy them at a distance.
In all fairness, the Anoles are everywhere, so I should be more aware of them.

Since it was raining, we decided to put in new carpet in the upstairs bedrooms and media room. Yikes!
We were to remove everything from all rooms, except the large furniture.
There is a silver lining to this huge rain cloud.
This mess of nick, nack paddy crap led to the biggest purge the castle has seen to date.

Not only are we decluttering, but we are doing a little refresh in a few of the rooms.
I promise to share that with you soon!

Cindy from County Road 407 calls her front porch a porchette.
If hers is a porchette, mine is so small that it may qualify as a porchlette!
Not only have I been planting here, but I’ve also been working on giving it a much needed refresh.
Slowly, but surely, we are getting ready for Summer here at the Castle!
Are you getting a lot done? Or, are you like the rest of us in North Texas and waiting for a dry spell? Here’s hoping we all get more done!
Until next time…
Wow, your flowers and plants are gorgeous! I finally purchased some and have yet to get them in the ground. They are at least in the flower bed getting sprinkled…LOL Purging is always a good thing. That is one thing I liked about the updates we did here…I was able to get rid of stuff piled in the closets! Love and hugs!!
Thank you Benita, all the rain has helped my plants for sure although I have to admit that I’m getting a little tired of it. Mama needs some sunshine! lol! I think that one of the reasons that I love to do big projects is the purging aspect. Although I admit that I HATE it at the time. Have a great week my friend!