It’s Been One of Those Weeks

Between jury duty and pulling a hip muscle it’s been one of those weeks that I haven’t gotten anything done. Instead of my usual “here’s what’s going on at the castle” posts, I decided to share a few of my favorite things!
At the beginning of January I shared how beautiful this Amaryllis was.
Sadly, those beautiful blooms have come and gone.
However, a few new shoots have shot up and I’m really hoping for round 2!

Tuesday was jury duty.
Unfortunately, Monday I pulled a hip muscle.
I pulled up my big girl panties and hobbled my way through it.
Thankfully, I was not chosen for the trial portion!
Tuesday evening was way more fun as it was PoKeeno night!
Nothing makes me feel better than a few hours with my besties!
I won these gorgeous tulips.
Between the Amaryllis and the tulips, the recent gray days are a little brighter!

I’ve mentioned several times that I love Mud Pie.
So much so, that I know you are rolling your eyes thinking “We know, we know!”
Well, I also collect white dishes.
These hob nail plates are some of my favorites!

So when I won this bowl…

and this platter, I was over the moon!
Woo Hoo! It was a good night at PoKeeno for sure.

Earlier in the week I shared that I was looking at a few new accessories for the master bedroom update.
I talked The Hubs into being my chauffeur/ pack mule.
Now, this is where my eyes were bigger than my tape measure!
I’m usually pretty good spatially, not this time.
I knew it needed to be a big painting, but maybe not this big.
I’m on the fence.
What do you think?

However, on a positive note, these pillows were exactly the color I wanted!
I’m in pillow love.
Hopefully, next week will be more of a I got a lot done this week and a little less of it’s been one of those weeks!
Have a wonderful weekend!
I think the painting is beautiful, where do you plan to hang it
Hey Janelle! I was planning on putting it above the chest, but I think the curtains get in the way…. Just love that painting. However, I guess it’s going back to the store….
I was feeling sorry for your bad week until I saw the haul from Pokeeno! I’ve not heard of that game but now I have to find out how to play and play where there’s prizes! The bedroom is coming along nicely and those pillows are perfect. But I see what you mean about the print. I think it’s too big if you plan to hang it over that chest. But if you have a large empty wall, it would look very nice in there.
Thanks Cindy, I feel like it is too big for that area too. Just love it, but have no large wall to hang it on that hasn’t got furniture on it. PoKeeno is so fun! 12 women play once a month. My group has played now for over 20 years. We love it!