New Things I Like

If I’m being honest, this whole self isolation business – while not the best of situations – has made me come to appreciate several new items. Some because they haven’t had my normal item at the store and I’ve had to go with substitutions , some because #imbored and a few because I’ve done a little retail therapy! So today, I’d like to share with you a few new things I like!

My first is a substitution.
Lavender Magic Erasers.
They are suppose to be for cleaning the bath, but I’ve used them just about everywhere because they smell so good!
Not only do they smell good, but they are still great at getting the job done!

The next few items came about because The Hubs and I rescued an old sewing machine cabinet from the trash.
Sewing organization items!
Why have I not known about these sooner?
I must have been living under a rock!
I’ve seen this wall mounted thread holder.
I’ve resisted buying one because they always look messy.
Threads hanging… etc.

Then I found these!
These embroidery bobbins, bobbin holder clips and thread spool huggers are the bomb!
I HATE that my bobbin thread comes loose and gets everywhere even though I’m super careful about storing it.
Same with thread.
These thread spool huggers keep thread neat and in place.
Then these bobby pin looking things allow you to store your bobbin on top of it’s matching thread.
Whoever invented this was a genius!

These planters from Costco.
We are in the process of redoing our entire back yard.
New pool, decking, pergola…
Since I won’t have many beds in the sea of hardscape, I realized that I would need to add in some large planters for color.
When I saw these at Costco, for only $40.00, the heavenly choir started to sing!
They are 21 1/2″ tall x 15 1/2″ wide at the top.
LOVE them.

This next item came about due to sheer boredom.
And it cost absolutely nothing.
Free Watercolor lessons from Craftberrybush.
If you’ve ever seen her paint, you would know why I’m so excited!
She not only gives free lessons that you can watch on her Instagram and Youtube channels, but she shares what paint and tools to buy.
Both the beginner level and the splurge.
I’ve painted as long as I can remember, however I’ve never painted with watercolors.
This is my first painting and while I’ve got a long way to go, I think I’m hooked.

The next one came about because I’m tired of my bath rugs slipping all over the bathroom floor whenever anyone walks on them.
Drives me crazy!
I’m trying out Anti-curling rug grippers.
I’ve only had them on for a little while, but so far so good.
The great things about these – when I’m ready to wash the rug, I peel them off of the rug.
Ready to put them back on?
I lightly wet them and they are reusable!
I’ll let you know how it goes.

The next is my new guilty pleasure and may – or may not- be the cause of Corvid weight gain.
DON’T Judge!
Dr. Pepper & Cream Soda may be an acquired taste, but it takes me back to summers when we would get cream soda at my great uncles corner gas station as a treat!
I can still remember opening up the “coke” box lid and reaching down into ice cold water with ice to pull out my favorite flavor of coke in a small glass bottle.
(Here in the south we use coke as a generic term for a soda.)
Even though I don’t drink Dr. Pepper that often anymore, I’m still a Dr. Pepper nut.
10, 2 and 4!
Worth the try.
That’s all of the new things that I like, however if Corvid keeps rearing it’s ugly head, I’m sure that I will have a few more to share soon.
So what are the new things that you’ve tried in the past few months?
I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to!
Until next time…

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I had no idea there was such a thing as lavender Mr. Clean erasers! I have to get some! I guess that’s what I get for never leaving the house. 😅
I love those erasers! So glad I shared now…