New Year Projects
I am not one to do vision boards, journal or make big new years resolutions. I am one to plan new year projects. Writing it down and crossing off a list works really well for me.
We moved into our house in 2019 and had a long list of projects that I wanted – and needed- done.
Projects were completed right and left.
Then 2020 hit.
Everything came to a screeching halt.
While we had finished quite a bit we still had- and still have – things to do!
So here is what I plan on trying to get done this year.
My Bedroom
Other than switching out the dresser and the armoire placement, absolutely nothing has been done in here.
The walls are in desperate need of painting.
I need to create a warmer, more cohesive design.
The plan:
First and foremost get a design plan.
Decide what I want to keep, add or say goodbye to.
Paint the walls.
Generally make this room a haven that it is not right now.
My Bathroom
This room is huge and is one that I rarely if never share.
It’s not bad, just dated and in need of major upgrades that are not in my budget.
Like new countertops, tub, lighting etc.
The plan:
Paint the cabinets.
Change, paint, or update the lighting somehow.
Update the decor.
Make a window treatment for the gigantic window.
The Baseboards
I’d LOVE to replace my baseboards with a taller more updated version.
However, for right now I’ll settle for painting them.
My Breakfast Room
This may be controversial but I need to change things up in here to create more room and more storage.
The plan:
Someday I want my husband to build in cabinets on the coffee bar wall.
Floor to ceiling.
Drawers, coffee bar, upper storage with a center built in hutch are for my dishes.
Get rid of my existing hutch.
Add in a round table that I can push into the corner to create a bigger walkway and more space in this room.
The Unfinished Things
I have a list of tiny things that need to be finished, updated or receive a little glow up.
Things that most people don’t notice, but things that drive me crazy on the daily.
Like this light in the entry.
I love it, but have a different design in mind.
As you can see, I’ve got a lot to cross off my list.
And while I may not get my new year projects done, it’s a good place to start.
I hope that you will join me on crossing things off my list this year!
Until next time…
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