Pet Canister Makeover
Ever go into someone else’s house and see something that just doesn’t match and you think “what are they thinking?” Here’s the thing. As much as I try to be the decorating diva that I wish I was, I still have lightbulb moments about my own decor. Still have that “what was I thinking?” moment.
I was eating dinner the other night and looked over at the canisters that I keep the royal pet treats in and thought “What the???” Did I really not realize that they no longer matched? I distinctly remember redoing the kitchen dining area! Definitely time for a pet canister makeover!
This is what they looked like. Not bad at all. They just didn’t match anything in the kitchen area anymore! Since they sat on a rustic hutch painted in Duck Egg Blue, I gave them a couple of coats of the same paint, distressed them and gave them a protective coat of spray poly.
Then it was time for a little joo-ry! You didn’t really think that I was done?
I found these cute frames awhile back at Michaels in the $1.50 bin. ( which used to be the $1.00 bin. I miss the $1.00 bin!!)
I pried off the backs.( Don’t you love my technical tool? I’m lazy. I didn’t want to walk all the way upstairs to my office to grab a screwdriver. No judging! it works.)
After removing the back stand, I gave it a quick coat of my favorite Rustoleum gold spray paint. Once it dried it looked too gold, so I added silver paint accents for a two tone metal look. I wanted to tie in the silver lid with the gold chalkboard frame that hangs above the canisters.
I love Magnets. I have used these industrial magnets on a lot of things here at the castle. I used to buy them at Hob Lob but recently discovered them at Harbor Freight at a MUCH cheaper price. They come in various sizes, thickness, and strengths.
I have used them to hang drapery on the back door, made wine glass markers, fridge magnets, hung crystals from chandeliers, made embellishments for lamp shades – the list goes on and on…
I glued one of these super strength magnets onto the back of the frames.
Just place the frame against the canister, then put another magnet on the inside. Easy to take off and put on. Here they both are – one for the royal dog and one for the
psycho royal cat! I love the look and the “joo-ry”. I love even more that it took very little time and cost me nothing. I just used what I had.
Best of all, the canisters now match the rest of the kitchen… it is a good thing!( I say in my best Martha Stewart voice…)
Oh, one other thing I changed – the ribbon in the crown. I had put a pretty yellow trellis patterned ribbon here when I had a plant inside. Well, being the expert plant killer that I am, that plant has come and gone!
With spring and Easter approaching, I found this cute little bunny at Walmart ( under $6.00! Woo Hoo!) and needed to add a matching ribbon. The harlequin ribbon reflects the rest of the black and white in the room. Lurve it!
The Queen is happy! Sometimes it really is the little things that make such a difference!
Until next time…..