Princess P’s Castle

It’s not often that you have clients that are fun and want you to paint fun stuff. Fortunately, I have had the pleasure to work with Princess P’s Mom and Grandmother several times. They both put the fun into me painting for them. Painting for them this time did not disappoint. Princess P’s Castle was a dream to paint.


 The mural needed to be finished before my clients moved in,  so I begged my BFF Rox, aka former painting business partner to help.

You can see our Library painting here.

She is just the best!

This is where we started.

Not the best photo as these were snapped by the homeowner when they were looking at buying the home.

Miss P hasn’t moved into her bedroom yet.

So this was the perfect time for us to paint.


When I first visited with the clients about what the room would look like, the only criteria was that they wanted a castle.

Also, they wanted the bed to “fit” inside of  the draw bridge door of the castle.

And maybe a Unicorn?


drawing of a castle


This is what I came up with.

However, since I hadn’t seen or measured the room I let the clients know that there might be some changes.

mural of castle

Miss P’s Castle:

Once we got into Miss P’s room, we realized that the existing drawing would not work.

The castle draw bridge wasn’t nearly big enough for a queen sized bed to fit “into”.

However, we didn’t scrap the whole thing we modified it and this is what it looks like today.

mural of unicorn


Miss P also wanted one teeny, tiny thing.

A Unicorn.

Of course, we painted a unicorn.

Isn’t she cute?

unicorn and castle murals


Painting the mural took us three whirlwind days to finish Princess P’s castle, but I think it turned out pretty cute.

Luckily, so did Miss P!



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