Week 4 $100 Room Challenge

It’s week 4 of the $100 Room Challenge. I am so happy to report that I’m almost done! But first, let me remind you that I’m redecorating my art studio/office in 4 weeks for under $100. This challenge is hosted by Erin over at Lemons, Lavender and Laundry.

If you missed any of the previous weeks, you can get caught up here:
Week 1 | Week 2| Week 3 | Week 4 | Reveal

This week was spent making decisions about the rooms chandelier and accessories. I am so excited to say that I did get a chandelier and a BIG accessory that I had not planned on.
The beginning of the week found me digging out the accessories that I wanted to use. I cleaned, painted, hung and fluffed all of those. Unfortunately, I was still no closer to finding a light fixture that fit my budget. Which was super disappointing because this is what was hanging over my desk. It was huge and oversized for the space. The previous owner painted the fan with same flat wall paint that was on the walls and it had marks all over it from who knows what. And every time I looked up I felt like it was looming over me.

I was just about to wave the white flag when I got a call from my BFF Roxanne. She’s moving in the late spring or early summer and wondered if I would like an old chandy that she had been planning to redo? Oh, and also, would I like to have her office chair? In her new house she didn’t have room for either. YES! YES, I would love both! I can not tell you how excited I was.

When went to pick my goodies up, she had also found these crystals that she had purchased to hang on the chandelier. Did I want those too? Yes, ma’am!

Because unbeknownst to her, I had already dug out these crystals that I’ve been hoarding for years. My plan was to give this chandy some serious bling!

Once I got it home, I couldn’t wait to get started. I cleaned it thoroughly, then determined where I wanted my crystals to hang. With that decision made, I drilled holes in the chandy to hang the crystals from.

The chandelier was in good working order, it just needed a little face lift in addition to the bling. I decided to paint it with the left over milk paint that I used on my desk.

I left a little of the gold showing and gave the rest 3 good coats of the milk paint, followed by a spray topcoat to seal it and give it a little patina. Note: When cleaning it I used a deglosser that had TSP in it. This cleans it really well and helps the paint to adhere.

Because all the metal on the crystals was silver, I hand painted each tiny piece gold to match the gold on the chandelier. Can you say time consuming? But so worth it once it was hung.

After I added all the bling, The Hubs was kind enough to hang the chandy for me. I LOVE it! So much better than the dated ceiling fan. And because the chandy was free and I had everything else on hand – leftovers from previous projects – this chandelier makeover was free!

Remember that I said my BFF asked me if I wanted her office chair? Well, this is it. So. dang. excited! I’ve been drooling over this chairs for years. Not only is it beautiful, but is is super comfy.

So what did I do with my old office chair? I moved it to my workstation. If I raised all the way up, it was the same height of the stool I had recovered. I’d say both of these go in the win column.
Next week is the big reveal and I am so excited to share it with you, so please plan on coming back next Wednesday.
Now I hope that you will join me in visiting all of the other challenge participants. They are so talented and I am so honored to be a part of this group!