
Wreath Refresh

It’s a Fourth of July wreath refresh!
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This summer is flying by. Before you know it the Fourth of July will be here and summer will be half over. So to get ahead of the decorating curve I got out my fourth decor to get the dust off!

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Here’s what my Fourth of July wreath looked like last year. You can see how I made it here. I loved it! I still do except for one thing. See the white burlap? Well this year it isn’t so white. At. All.  The white strips look just like the rest of the natural burlap. It doesn’t look bad. It just doesn’t look like it did. So it was time for a little wreath refresh!

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I needed a little something to perk it up. I hit my local dollar store and found the star garland, it adds a  little bling, which you all know I love. I wanted to add some stars but didn’t find anything. Everything that I found had either too much bling – bet you can’t believe I said that! – or it was the wrong size. So I made some stars myself out of scrapbook paper..

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This is the final result.  I just wrapped the garland around the wreath in random places.  I found a tutorial on line to make the stars. They couldn’t have been easier. Once they were done I added some rhinestone stars to the middle and then glued them to the wreath.

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My wreath refresh is done! Once I hung it up to see how it looked I decided to leave it up.  I added a little patriotic bling to the rest of my front entry to complete my Fourth of July front porch.

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I have to admit that I almost tossed this wreath when I got it out of storage. Now that it’s done I am so glad that I decided not to. It’s amazing what a difference adding just a few things can make and I think I only  spent $1.00 on this mini face lift. I had most of the supplies needed.  The Hubs loves that!


You can find me at these fabulous parties:

Wow Us Wednesdays #278

Thoughts Of Home On Thursday #19

Share Your Style Link Party #70

The Scoop #228


    1. Stacey thank you so much!!! I am so glad you like it. Always love visiting at Thoughts of Home as I get such great inspiration from many talented people.

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